Prof. Cathie Rae, is Professor of Superalloys in the Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, based in the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre. Her work focuses on high temperature alloys relating mechanical properties to microstructure, the development of single crystal superalloys, oxidation, properties of coatings and grain boundaries including recrystallization and discontinuous precipitation. She has specific expertise in the Transmission Electron Microscopy, specifically the identification and precipitation of phases and the deformation mechanisms of superalloys. She has over 100 publications, and is Director of the Rolls-Royce Strategic Partnership Doctoral Training Centre currently training over 100 graduate students in three universities in the UK. She has been a Royal Society Industrial Fellow and sat on the Royal Society Committee for Science Industry and Translation.
1. Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; The precipitation of topologically close-packed phases in rhenium-containing superalloys; (2001) Acta Materialia, 49 (19), pp. 4113-4125.
2. Reed, R.C., Matan, N., Cox, D.C., Rist, M.A., Rae, C.M.F.; Creep of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals: effects of rafting at high temperature; (1999) Acta Materialia, 47 (12), pp. 3367-3381.
3. Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Primary creep in single crystal superalloys: Origins, mechanisms and effects; (2007) Acta Materialia, 55 (3), pp. 1067-1081.
4. Pickering, E.J., Mathur, H., Bhowmik, A., Messé, O.M.D.M., Barnard, J.S., Hardy, M.C., Krakow, R., Loehnert, K., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F.; Grain-boundary precipitation in Allvac 718Plus; (2012) Acta Materialia, 60 (6-7), pp. 2757-2769.
5. Vorontsov, V.A., Kovarik, L., Mills, M.J., Rae, C.M.F.; High-resolution electron microscopy of dislocation ribbons in a CMSX-4 superalloy single crystal; (2012) Acta Materialia, 60 (12), pp. 4866-4878.
6. Messé, O.M., Barnard, J.S., Pickering, E.J., Midgley, P.A., Rae, C.M.F.; On the precipitation of delta phase in ALLVAC® 718Plus; (2014) Philosophical Magazine, 94 (10), pp. 1132-1152.
1. Viswanathan, G.B., Shi, R., Genc, A., Vorontsov, V.A., Kovarik, L., Rae, C.M.F., Mills, M.J.; Segregation at stacking faults within the γ′ phase of two Ni-base superalloys following intermediate temperature creep; (2015) Scripta Materialia, 94, pp. 5-8.
2. Messé, O.M.D.M., Stekovic, S., Hardy, M., Rae, C.M.F.; Investigation on fatigue crack interaction with grain orientation during TMF tests in Nickel-base superalloy; (2014) Advanced Materials Research, 891-892, pp. 1289-1294.
3. Messé, O.M.D.M., Lachambre, J., King, A., Buffière, J.Y., Rae, C.M.F.; Investigation of fatigue crack propagation in nickel superalloy using diffraction contrast tomography and phase contrast tomography; (2014) Advanced Materials Research, 891-892, pp. 923-928.
4. Casanova, A., Hardy, M., Rae, C.M.F.; Morphology and kinetics of grain boundary precipitation in alloy ATI 718Plus®; (2014) 8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives 2014, pp. 573-586.
5. Connor, L.D., Stone, H.J., Collins, D.M., Preuss, M., Hardy, M.C., Rae, C.M.F.; The effect of cooling rate from solution on the lattice misfit during isothermal aging of a Ni-base superalloy; (2014) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 45 (5), pp. 2436-2444.
6. Bhowmik, A., Neumeier, S., Barnard, J.S., Zenk, C.H., Göken, M., Rae, C.M.F., Stone, H.J.; Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr-Ta-Si Laves phase-based alloys at elevated temperatures; (2014) Philosophical Magazine, 94 (34), pp. 3914-3944.
7. Messé, O.M.D.M., Stekovic, S., Hardy, M.C., Rae, C.M.F.; Characterization of Plastic Deformation Induced by Shot-Peening in a Ni-Base Superalloy; (2014) JOM, 66 (12), pp. 2502-2515.
8. Deen, C., Whittaker, M.T., Harrison, W., Rae, C.M.F., Williams, S.J.; Relating fundamental creep mechanisms in Waspaloy to the Wilshire equations; (2014) MATEC Web of Conferences, 14, art. no. 15001.
9. Mathur, H.N., Jones, N., Rae, C.M.F.; A study on the effect of composition, and the mechanisms of recrystallisation in single crystal Ni-based superalloys; (2014) MATEC Web of Conferences, 14, art. no. 07003.
10. Krakow, R., Hardy, M.C., Rae, C.M.F., Midgley, P.A.; High resolution orientation mapping of secondary phases in ATI 718Plus® alloy; (2014) MATEC Web of Conferences, 14, art. no. 11002.
11. Panwisawas, C., Mathur, H.N., Broomfield, R.W., Putman, D., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Prediction of recrystallisation in single crystal nickel-based superalloys during investment casting; (2014) MATEC Web of Conferences, 14, art. no. 12002.
12. Bensch, M., Konrad, C.H., Fleischmann, E., Rae, C.M.F., Glatzel, U.; Influence of oxidation on near-surface γ' fraction and resulting creep behaviour of single crystal Ni-base superalloy M247LC SX; (2013) Materials Science and Engineering A, 577, pp. 179-188.
13. Suzuki, A.S., Rae, C.M.F.; Comparison of microstructural evolution in Pt aluminised Ni based superalloys with and without Ru; (2013) Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 29 (6), pp. 726-732.
14. Panwisawas, C., Mathur, H., Gebelin, J.-C., Putman, D., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Prediction of recrystallization in investment cast single-crystal superalloys; (2013) Acta Materialia, 61 (1), pp. 51-66.
15. Bhowmik, A., Pang, H.T., Edmonds, I.M., Rae, C.M.F., Stone, H.J.; Effect of silicon additions on the high temperature oxidation behaviour of Cr-Cr 2Ta alloys;(2013) Intermetallics, 32, pp. 373-383.
16. Panwisawas, C., Mathur, H., Gebelin, J.-C., Putman, D.C., Withey, P., Warnken, N., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Prediction of plastic strain for recrystallisation during investment casting of single crystal superalloys; (2012) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 547-556.
17. Bensch, M., Fleischmann, E., Konrad, C.H., Fried, M., Rae, C.M.F., Glatzel, U.; Secondary creep of thin-walled specimens affected by oxidation; (2012) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 387-394.
18. Pang, H.T., Edmonds, I.M., Jones, C.N., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F.; Effects of Y and La additions on the processing and properties of a second generation single crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4®; (2012) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 301-310.
19. Bensch, M., Fleischmann, E., Konrad, C.H., Fried, M., Rae, C.M.F., Glatzel, U.; Secondary Creep of Thin-Walled Specimens Affected by Oxidation; (2012) Superalloys 2012, pp. 387-394.
19. Pang, H.T., Edmonds, I.M., Jones, C.N., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F.; Effects of Y and La Additions on the Processing and Properties of a Second Generation Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloy CMSX-4®; (2012) Superalloys 2012, pp. 301-310.
20. Panwisawas, C., Mathur, H., Gebelin, J.-C., Putman, D.C., Withey, P., Warnken, N., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Prediction of Plastic Strain for Recrystallisation during Investment Casting of Single Crystal Superalloys; (2012) Superalloys 2012, pp. 547-556.
21. Pang, H.T., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F., Zhang, L., Hobbs, R.A.; Solution heat treatment optimization of fourth-generation single-crystal nickel-base superalloys; (2012) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 43 (9), pp. 3264-3282.
22. Vorontsov, V.A., Voskoboinikov, R.E., Rae, C.M.F.; Shearing of γ′ precipitates in Ni-base superalloys: A phase field study incorporating the effective γ-surface; (2012) Philosophical Magazine, 92 (5), pp. 608-634.
23. Ang, J., Vorontsov, V.A., Hayward, C.L., Balakrishnan, G., Stone', H.J., Rae, C.M.F.; Quarternary and quinary additions to directionally-solidified X-X 3Si eutectics of chromium and vanadium; (2011) Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1295, pp. 391-396.
24. Vorontsov, V.A., Voskoboinikov, R.E., Rae, C.M.F.; Prediction of mechanical behaviour in Ni-base superalloys using the phase field model of dislocations (2011) Advanced Materials Research, 278, pp. 150-155.
25. Suzuki, A.S., Rae, C.M.F., Hobbs, R.A., Murakami, H.; Secondary reaction zone formations in pt-aluminised fourth generation ni-base single crystal superalloys; (2011) Advanced Materials Research, 278, pp. 78-83.
26. Pang, H.T., Hobbs, R.A., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F.; A study of the effects of alloying additions on TCP phase formation in 4th generation nickel-base single-crystal super alloys; (2011) Advanced Materials Research, 278, pp. 54-59.
27. Neumeier, S., Ang, J., Hobbs, R.A., Rae, C.M.F., Stone, H.J.; Lattice misfit of high refractory ruthenium containing nickel-base superalloys; (2011) Advanced Materials Research, 278, pp. 60-65.
28. Vorontsov, V.A., Rae, C.M.F., Shen, C., Wang, Y., Dye, D.; Shearing of γ́ precipitates by a(112) dislocation ribbons in Ni-base superalloys: A phase field approach; (2010) Acta Materialia, 58 (12), pp. 4110-4119.
29. Voskoboinikov, R.E., Rae, C.M.F.; A new γ-surface in {111} plane in L12 Ni3Al; (2009) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 3, art. no. 012009.
30. Suzuki, A., Rae, C.M.F.; Secondary reaction zone formations in coated Ni-base single crystal superalloys; (2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 165, art. no. 012002.
31. Pang, H.T., Dong, H.B., Beanland, R., Stone, H.J., Rae, C.M.F., Midgley, P.A., Brewster, G., D'Souza, N.; Microstructure and solidification sequence of the interdendritic region in a third generation single-crystal nickel-base superalloy;(2009) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 40 (7), pp. 1660-1669.
32. Rae, C.M.F., Zhang, L.; Primary creep in single crystal superalloys: Some comments on effects of composition and microstructure; (2009) Materials Science and Technology, 25 (2), pp. 228-235.
33. Reed, R.C., Wu, R.T., Hook, M.S., Rae, C.M.F., Wing, R.G.; On oxidation behaviour of platinum aluminide coated nickel based superalloy CMSX-4; (2009) Materials Science and Technology, 25 (2), pp. 276-286.
34. Tsuno, N., Kakehi, K., Rae, C.M.F., Hashizume, R.; Effect of ruthenium on creep strength of Ni-Base single-crystal superalloys at 750 °C and 750 MPa; (2009) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 40 (2), pp. 269-272.
35. Tsuno, N., Shimabayashi, S., Kakehi, K., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Tension/compression asymmetry in yield and creep strengths of Ni-based superalloys; (2008) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 433-442.
36. Hobbs, R.A., Brewster, G.J., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; Evaluation of ruthenium-bearing single crystal superalloys - A design of experiments; (2008) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 171-180.
37. Suzuki, A., Rae, C.M.F., Yoshida, M., Matsubara, Y., Murakami, H.; Secondary reaction zones in coated 4th generation Ni-based blade alloys; (2008) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 777-786.
38. Tin, S., Zhang, L., Hobbs, R.A., Yeh, A.-C., Rae, C.M.F., Broomfield, B.; Linking the properties, processing and chemistry of advanced single crystal Ni-base superalloys; (2008) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 81-90.
39. Hobbs, R.A., Zhang, L., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; The effect of ruthenium on the intermediate to high temperature creep response of high refractory content single crystal nickel-base superalloys; (2008) Materials Science and Engineering A, 489 (1-2), pp. 65-76.
40. Hobbs, R.A., Zhang, L., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; TCP suppression in a ruthenium-bearing single-crsytal nickel-based superalloy; (2008) JOM, 60 (7), pp. 37-42.
41. Hobbs, R.A., Zhang, L., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; Mechanisms of topologically close-packed phase suppression in an experimental ruthenium-bearing single-crystal nickel-base superalloy at 1100 °C; (2008) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 39 A (5), pp. 1014-1025.
42. Pahlavanyali, S., Drew, G., Rayment, A., Rae, C.M.F.; Thermo-mechanical fatigue of a polycrystalline superalloy: The effect of phase angle on TMF life and failure; (2008) International Journal of Fatigue, 30 (2), pp. 330-338.
43. Pahlavanyali, S., Rayment, A., Roebuck, B., Drew, G., Rae, C.M.F.; Thermo-mechanical fatigue testing of superalloys using miniature specimens; (2008) International Journal of Fatigue, 30 (2), pp. 397-403.
44. Pahlavanyali, S., Drew, G., Rayment, A., Rae, C.M.F.; Oxidation assisted thermomechanical fatigue failure of polycrystalline superalloys; (2007) Materials Science and Technology, 23 (12), pp. 1454-1460.
45. Charles, C.M., Drew, G.A., Bagnall, S., Rae, C.M.F.; Dislocation deformation mechanisms during fatigue of the nickel-based superalloy CMSX-4; (2007) Materials Science Forum, 546-549 (PART 3), pp. 1211-1218.
46. Suzuki, A., Wu, Y., Yamaguchi, A., Murakami, H., Rae, C.M.F.; Oxidation behavior of Pt-Ir modified aluminized coatings on Ni-base single crystal superalloy TMS-82+; (2007) Oxidation of Metals, 68 (1-2), pp. 53-64.
47. Reed, R.C., Cox, D.C., Rae, C.M.F.; Kinetics of rafting in a single crystal superalloy: Effects of residual microsegregation; (2007) Materials Science and Technology, 23 (8), pp. 893-902.
48. Hobbs, R.A., Karunaratne, M.S.A., Tin, S., Reed, R.C., Rae, C.M.F.; Uphill diffusion in ternary Ni-Re-Ru alloys at 1000 and 1100 °C; (2007) Materials Science and Engineering A, 460-461, pp. 587-594.
49. Reed, R.C., Cox, D.C., Rae, C.M.F.; Damage accumulation during creep deformation of a single crystal superalloy at 1150 °C; (2007) Materials Science and Engineering A, 448 (1-2), pp. 88-96.
50. Hobbs, R.A., Tin, S., Rae, C.M.F.; A castability model based on elemental solid-liquid partitioning in advanced nickel-base single-crystal superalloys; (2005) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 36 (10), pp. 2761-2773.
51. Rae, C.M.F., Hook, M.S., Reed, R.C.; The effect of TCP morphology on the development of aluminide coated superalloys; (2005) Materials Science and Engineering A, 396 (1-2), pp. 231-239.
52. Mitchell, R.J., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; Grain boundary transformations during isothermal exposure of powder metallurgy nickel base superalloys for turbine disc applications; (2005) Materials Science and Technology, 21 (1), pp. 125-132.
53. Hobbs, R.A., Tin, S., Rae, C.M.F., Broomfield, R.W., Humphreys, C.J.; Solidification characteristics of advanced nickel-base single crystal superalloys; (2004) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 819-825.
54. Drew, G.L., Reed, R.C., Kakehi, K., Rae, C.M.F.; Single crystal superalloys: The transition from primary to secondary creep; (2004) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 127-136.
55. Yeh, A.C., Rae, C.M.F., Tin, S.; High temperature creep of Ru-bearing Ni-base single crystal superalloys; (2004) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Superalloys, pp. 677-685.
56. Cox, D.C., Roebuck, B., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Recrystallisation of single crystal superalloy CMSX-4; (2003) Materials Science and Technology, 19 (4), pp. 440-446.
57. Hook, M.S., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; On the compatibility of superalloy substrate composition with the application of low temperature high activity pack-cementation aluminide coatings; (2002) Advanced Materials and Processes for Gas Turbines, pp. 179-186.
58. Karunaratne, M.S.A., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; On the microstructural instability of an experimental nickel-based single-crystal superalloy; (2001) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 32 (10), pp. 2409-2421.
59. Rae, C.M.F., Matan, N., Reed, R.C.; The role of stacking fault shear in the primary creep of [001]-oriented single crystal superalloys at 750°C and 750 MPa; (2001) Materials Science and Engineering A, 300 (1-2), pp. 125-134.
60. Rae, C.M.F., Matan, N., Cox, D.C., Rist, M.A., Reed, R.C.; On the primary creep of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals; (2000) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 31 (9), pp. 2219-2228.
61. Matan, N., Cox, D.C., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; On the kinetics of rafting in CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals; (1999) Acta Materialia, 47 (7), pp. 2031-2045.
62. Matan, N., Cox, D.C., Carter, P., Rist, M.A., Rae, C.M.F., Reed, R.C.; Creep of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals: Effects of misorientation and temperature; (1999) Acta Materialia, 47 (5), pp. 1549-1563.
63. Hillier, G.S., Rae, C.M.F., Bhadeshia, H.K.D.H.; Extrinsic and intrinsic nodes in the gamma prime phase of a single crystal superalloy; (1988) Acta Metallurgica, 36 (1), pp. 95-109.
64. Rae, C.M.F.; On the movement of grain boundary dislocations in recrystallisation interfaces; (1981) Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 44 (6), pp. 1395-1399.
65. Grovenor, C.R.M., Rae, C.M.F.; A new method for observing the anisotropy of Bi segregation to Cu grain boundaries; (1981) Scripta Metallurgica, 15 (12), pp. 1305-1308.
66. Rae, C.M.F., Smith, D.A.; On the mechanisms of grain boundary migration;(1980) Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 41 (4), pp. 477-492.
67. Smith, D.A., Rae, C.M.F.; Development in annealing and structure and mobility of grain boundaries in pure metals; (1978) Met Sci, 13 (3-4), pp. 101-107.
68. Rae, C.M.F., Seddon, K.R.; Triphenylphosphine adducts of titanium(IV) bromide; (1976) Inorganica Chimica Acta, 17 (C), pp. L35-L36.