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Rolls-Royce UTC

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy


2023-Present: Research Associate in the RR UTC

2018-2023: PhD (Materials Science & Metallurgy) - University of Cambridge

2017-2018: MSci (Materials Science & Metallurgy) - University of Cambridge

2014-2017: MA (Materials Science & Metallurgy) - University of Cambridge



There is an ongoing drive to improve efficiency and reduce emissions from the civil aviation sector, and international governing bodies have set ambitious targets that will necessitate higher engine operating temperatures and rotational speeds.

My research involves the development of novel nickel-base superalloys, able to withstand the more severe operating conditions that will be encountered in the next generation of gas turbine engines. This involves designing new alloy chemistries that will provide the required properties for application in new engine designs. Once a suitable composition has been identified, extensive testing must be performed, and my research has a specific focus on deformation processing and joining techniques, mainly forging and electron beam welding.

An important part of this ongoing development requires the characterisation of these materials in terms of their microstructural stability, mechanical properties and oxidation behaviour, with a view to understanding the mechanisms by which they will degrade in service.


Key publications: 

Wise, G.J., Pang, H.T., Mignanelli, P.M., Hardy, M.C., Jones, N.G., Stone, H.J. Development of a New Low-Cost Polycrystalline Nickel-Base Superalloy. In: Cormier, J., et al. Superalloys 2024. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer

Wise, G.J., Church, N.L., Talbot, C.E.P. et al. Microstructural Stability and Evolution in a New Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy. Metall Mater Trans A, 2023.

Wise, G.J., Mignanelli, P.M., Hardy, M.C., Church, N.L., Jones, N.G., and Stone, H.J. Oxidation Behaviour of New Nickel-Base Superalloys with Varying Aluminium : Niobium Ratio. High Temperature Corrosion of Materials (formerly known as Oxidation of Metals), 2023, 99, pp. 241–266.

Wise, G.J., Miller, J.R., Church, N.L., Mignanelli, P.M., Hardy, M.C., Jones, N.G. and Stone, H.J. Microstructural Stability and Properties of New Nickel-Base Superalloys with Varying Aluminium : Niobium Ratio. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023, 2201669.

Rodenkirchen, C., Ackerman, A. K., Mignanelli, P. M., Cliff, A., Wise, G. J., Breul, P., Douglas, J. O., Bagot, P. A. J., Moody, M. P., Appleton, M., Ryan, M. P., Hardy, M. C., Pedrazzini, S., & Stone, H. J. Effect of Alloying on the Microstructure, Phase Stability, Hardness, and Partitioning Behavior of a New Dual-Superlattice Nickel-Based Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2023, 54(5), 1902–1923.

Other publications: 

Church, N.L., Talbot, C.E.P., Wise, G.J., Shah, O.Y.I., & Jones, N.G. Development of ultra-high strength Ti-Nb-Sn alloys through grain-refinement by in situ Zener pinning. Scripta Materialia, 2022, 218, 114809.

Whitfield, T.E.; Wise, G.J.; Pickering, E.J.; Stone, H.J.; Jones, N.G. An Investigation of the Miscibility Gap Controlling Phase Formation in Refractory Metal High Entropy Superalloys via the Ti-Nb-Zr Constituent System. Metals 202111, 1244.

Whitfield, T.E.; Wise, G.J.; Stone, H.J.; Jones, N.G "The influence of the Nb:Ta ratio on the microstructural evolution in refractory metal superalloy systems", Appl. Phys. Lett., 2021, 119, 211901

Teaching and Supervisions


Part IA Materials Science Supervisor

Part IA, IB & II Materials Science Demonstrator

Part III Materials Science Assessor

Part III Course Lecturer - M9: Superalloys

Research supervision: 

Part III Projects on:

  • Inertia Welding of Ni-base Superalloys
  • Effects of Mo and Cr additions to a novel polycrystalline Ni-base superalloy
Research Associate
 George  Wise

Contact Details

Email address: 
+44 (0)1223 331590


Person keywords: 
High-temperature alloys
Nickel-based superalloys
Alloy Development
Thermal Analysis
Mechanical Testing