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Rolls-Royce UTC

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy


2017 - 2021: BA MSci Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge

2021 - present: PhD Candidate


  • My research focuses on age-hardenable alloys that derive their strength from spinodal decomposition. In particular, I am interested in high performance copper-based alloys, which are used as bushings and bearings in aerospace and automotive applications, and gold-platinum alloys, which are used as spinneret ends in the production of textile fibres. The microstructures produced by spinodal decomposition are inherently metastable and prolonged ageing produces discontinuous precipitation of the equilibrium phases. This is associated with a loss of strength and ductility, thus presenting commercial challenges for the processing of spinodal alloys. I am therefore developing alloying strategies to improve the microstructural stability of these alloys and exploring novel methods of non-destructively monitoring their microstructural evolution. The latter is based upon ultrasonic measurements of elastic moduli, which are correlated with results from conventional characterisation techniques such as X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.

Teaching and Supervisions


IA Materials Science Supervisor at Jesus College

Part IA/IB/II Materials Science Lab Demonstrator

Part III Project Supervisor