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Rolls-Royce UTC

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy


2017 - 2021: MEng Materials Science and Engineering, Imperial College London

2021 - present: PhD candidate


Improving the thermal design of buildings is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Building insulation, particularly glass mineral wool, is a highly effective method. However, the manufacturing process exposes components to high-temperature atmospheres and molten glass, which ultimately limits their service lives. My research seeks to investigate alternative alloy systems that provide enhanced environmental resistance. 


Other publications: 

Pek, M.E., Ackerman, A.K., Appleton, M. et al. Development of a Novel, Impurity-Scavenging, Corrosion-Resistant Coating for Ni-Based Superalloy CMSX-4. High Temperature Corrosion of mater. 99, 3–13 (2023).

Pedrazzini, S., Pek, M.E., Ackerman, A.K. et al. Effect of Substrate Bed Temperature on Solute Segregation and Mechanical Properties in Ti–6Al–4V Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Metall Mater Trans A 54, 3069–3085 (2023).

Moffat, J.P., Christofidou, K.A., Pek, M.E. et al. Surveying the Effects of Aging a High C-Containing Co-Based Superalloy From the As-Cast and Solution Heat-Treated Conditions. Metall Mater Trans A (2024).

Teaching and Supervisions

Research supervision: 

Part III project supervisor