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Rolls-Royce UTC

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
Mechanical Metallurgy
Superelasticity and Shape Memory Effects


2017 - 2021 : Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

2021 - 2023 : Master of Technology (M. Tech) in Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

2023 - Present : PhD Candidate


I am currently engaged in investigating the effects of Ta and Zr elements towards superelasticity in Ti-Nb-Zr, Ti-Nb-Ta and Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr ternary and quaternary alloy systems. My previous experience includes usage of Machine Learning (ML) towards predicting the important mechanical properties of novel alloys engaged in extreme critical environments.


Other publications: 

Nichenametla Jai Sai, Punit Rathore, and Ankur Chauhan, Machine learning-based predictions of fatigue life for multi-principal element alloysScripta Materialia, Vol. 226, 115214, 2023.

Nichenametla Jai Sai, Punit Rathore, Kumar Sridharan and Ankur Chauhan, Machine learning-based predictions of yield strength for neutron-irradiated ferritic/martensitic steelsFusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 195, 113964, 2023.

Nichenametla Jai Sai, Kumar Sridharan, and Ankur Chauhan*, “Establishing machine-learning approach for predicting outer-diametral strains in neutron-irradiated ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels tubes”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.177, 105418, 2024

Shubham Sisodia, Nichenametla Jai Sai, Kaiju Lu, Fabian Knöpfle, Anuz Zindal, Jarir Aktaa, and Ankur Chauhan, Effective and back stress evolution upon cycling oxide-dispersion strengthened steelsInternational Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 169, 107485, 2023.


Teaching and Supervisions


1B Materials Supervisor